Here at Kayuga we try our hardest to offer the best service possible.
We ship all goods through Australia post.
We ship anywhere in the world we physically can and if we don't have it listed in the checkout please email us and we will add it or arrange alternate shipping.
We offer both standard and express services and we do our best to ensure your orders arrive on time to you, but unfortunately once we submit it to Australia post we no longer have control of it and due to the remote locations of some orders the delivery times may vary past the advertised dates. Rest assured all parcels have tracking numbers.
Now for those last minute disasters or unforeseen circumstances please email us at broadheads@kayugabroadheads.com.au or give us a call to arrange the fastest possible way to get your order to you.
Please allow up to 48 hours for order processing, as we are also avid outdoors men we enjoy a weekend away from time to time.
If for any reason our products fail you within normal usage contact us immediately via email and we will endevour to get it sorted out immediately, now if you have shot your arrow at the target and missed, hit 3 trees and 6 rocks resulting in a damaged broadhead there is not much we can do for you apart from recommend you practice a bit more, but seriously if any of our products fail you while using them for intended purpose please do contact us and we will get you sorted.
For incorrect orders or failures, we will view and asses failures as they arise and generate a solution.
For a change of mind or incorrectly placed orders you will be responsible to ship the item back to us before any refund or exchange can be started.